September 22, 2006


You know, there just aren’t enough websites dedicated to The Simpsons so I took matters into my own hands and made one myself. Announcing….

Soon to become the world wide web’s most authoritative source on everything Simpsons related

September 13, 2006

good news man it turns out your wife isnt dead after all


nah just messin wit ya 😛

imma bop u so hard ur head explode


September 10, 2006
I read Newsweek this week and

When you sit with O’Donnell in her sprawling, sunny kitchen, she really does seem like an instant best friend. She’s clearly a lot happier now than she was when she packed up four years ago. She’s tanned and relaxed and she looks downright lovely in her photo-shoot makeup and a T shirt that reads “I Am Art.” Apparently, she looks pretty awesome underneath, too. She just filmed an episode of “Nip/Tuck” in which she plays a lottery winner who splurges on a makeover. Naturally, Rosie had the obligatory sex scene with Julian McMahon. “There was this part where they could see my tube top and finally I just said, ‘I’ll pull it down.’ And he said, “Nice t–s.’ I said, ‘Thank you. You’re getting the best view’,” Rosie says. “He’s my new Tommy.”

September 8, 2006

I don't make mistakes, buddy boy! When I was alive, I worked for the Department of Motor Vehicles!

  • Someone uploaded my favorite episode of “Are You Afraid of the Dark” onto YouTube, the one where Gilbert Gottfried is a DJ at a radio station for dead people. DO NOT KNOCK ON THE WINDOW part one, part two, part three
  • I uploaded the last issue of From Here To Insanity, more than a year after it came out
  • I did some really minor changes to the pictures and misc sections

  • Damn, Ziggy just totally owned Starbucks. I’d sure hate to be them right now

September 1, 2006

noIf you like Sluggo you will like this wallpaper