August 17, 2017

Mallard Fillmore Watch

Mallard Fillmore, 08/03/2017


Bruce Tinsley appeared to give up on trying to keep up with the news cycle and did a “heartwarming” 2-week story arc about Mallard getting a dog instead…

Mallard Fillmore, 07/28/2017


… but not without getting in a dig at how easy it is to vote. I wonder if “illegally” was in the first draft.

Mallard Fillmore, 10/23/2004


Mallard Fillmore, 06/10/2012


Mallard Fillmore, 9/3/2012


Bureaucracy and red tape are great when it comes to keeping certain people from voting! Is there any doubt Tinsley would be in favor of straight-up poll taxes if it were still politically palatable?

Mallard Fillmore, 08/08/2017


Mallard Fillmore, 08/09/2017


Also, he is inexplicably paranoid that the upcoming Incredibles sequel is just more Fake News from the lieberal media and their Hollyweird pals. It was announced three years ago at a Disney shareholder meeting and heavily reported at the time, but apparently he just now found out about it. Folks, I know this might be a bit controversial, but if you haven’t taken the time to learn anything about The Incredibles because you spend all day on the Daily Wire reading Ben Shapiro articles, then I don’t think you should be allowed to see the sequel.