
Huffington Post has an article about some Buzzfeed guy’s article about some reddit guy’s theory about the later seasons of The Simpsons all taking place inside Homer’s imagination during a coma. Where have I heard that crazy theory before??? Oh yeah, from me, in a footnote from this article I wrote in 2011, and while I’d love to take credit for that stupid theory, it’s been floating around since at least 2002 as this posting to the alt.tv.simpsons newsgroup by a “Dr Music” shows. Everybody is aggregating everybody else’s content, the end.


Thousands of Simpsons fans in Bolivia staged a massive protest after the channel Unitel changed the show’s timeslot.

…wait, what? *makes wacky Jon Stewart befuddlement face* That can’t be right. We’re talking about the show that’s been on for like 30 years and hasn’t been funny since the Clinton Administration, right? Let me read the article again just to make sure…

Hrm, yeah, everything checks out. Huh. That’s weird. Looks like they succeeded, too. Good for them.

[Latin Times via New York Post]