The realization candidates for office now have to make their own meme-generating apps, that on some infinitesimal level among a hopefully small minority of voters the election will be decided by Which Side Has The Better Memes, is horrifying
There’s this show on what used to be The WB that’s literally just musical chairs, it’s called “Oh Sit” (hurr) and this is the official description:
In this action-packed reality series, daredevils compete in a high-octane musical chairs competition.
I watched it and it’s pretty blatant Wipeout rip-off (or, rather, whatever Japanese game show Wipeout was a rip-off of), right down the snarky hosts who are poorly green-screened in later. I have to admit it was better than I was expecting, it’s entertaining in a campy ironic “this is the end of culture” kind of way
That M&Ms commercial introducing “Ms. Brown” didn’t sit well with me because I knew there already was a brown M&M… and now I have proof. Just look at this mid-90s advertisement from Nickelodeon Magazine…
Just look at that guy, he looks pretty serious-minded… just a barrel of laughs. I’m guessing he was supposed to be a straight man-type, the Zeppo Marx of candy mascots. But even though they went through the trouble of trademarking him and everything, the spotlight he seeked never came… what a pity.
President Obama attempts to evade a member of the press. “But Mr. President, what about the drones? How do you reconcile banning protestors at military funerals in the US with your administration’s missile strikes on funerals in Pakistan?”
If classified as a frog, [Jill the Frog] is the only female frog in the Muppet universe.[49][50]
I like how Wikipedia people jump to the weirdest conclusions sometimes. OK so apparently we’ve only seen one female frog Muppet on screen, so of course that means there are no other female frogs, Muppet or otherwise, IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. Did Doc Hopper wipe out an entire species when we weren’t looking?