February 7, 2015

The politics of the death penalty began to change in Virginia in 2005, when Timothy M. Kaine (D), a death-penalty opponent who had defended death-row inmates pro bono, was elected governor. Kaine’s Republican opponent, Jerry Kilgore, ran a TV ad saying that Kaine wouldn’t have supported executing Adolf Hitler.

February 6, 2015

Awful Link of the Day: Happier Abroad

Founder Winston Wu modestly describes himself as “the most freethinking Asian since Bruce Lee, and arguably of all-time as well.” After finding himself stuck in the quagmire known as the friend zone, he fared better overseas, where “Sex and getting laid with attractive women comes more naturally.” Ever since, he’s made it his mission to preach the virtues of “Global Scale dating” and “deprogram you” from American propaganda, like the hurtful claim that you shouldn’t need a passport to find a date.