August 24, 2016, May 2012:

The realization candidates for office now have to make their own meme-generating apps, that on some infinitesimal level among a hopefully small minority of voters the election will be decided by Which Side Has The Better Memes, is horrifying

New York Times Magazine, August 2016:

“It’s like a meme war,” Rivero says, “and politics is being won and lost on social media.”

August 22, 2016

It’s a shame to see Gawker disappearing into the void. I thought the Alex Pareene/Ashley Feinberg era of the past year or so was the best it’d ever been. Meanwhile, my devastating takedown from 2011 still stands.

August 3, 2016

Mallard Fillmore Watch

Mallard Fillmore, 08/02/2016


This is my favorite genre of Mallard Fillmore strip, the sputtering, aggrieved “Oh yeah, well, a DEMOCRAT did something bad, too..!” routine. This all-time classic from the Mark Foley scandal is another fine example:

Mallard Fillmore, 10/23/2006


I assume Tinsley made Gerry Studd’s name big because he couldn’t find a picture of him on Google. Speaking of which, I love how over the years his footnotes have gone from “SOURCE: AP” or whatever to “SOURCE: WASHINGTON TIMES” to, finally, “SOURCE: GOOGLE SOME OF THE WORDS IN THIS STRIP.” I was trying to find some examples and came across this notable effort by someone to track down and check the strip’s references, which I wish they’d kept up.

August 2, 2016