I seem to recall right-wingers flipping out because one of Obama’s daughters wore a shirt with the peace symbol on it, but yes, I agree, the focus on Melania’s jacket was a dumb distraction from a far more important issue…
That’s right, the uncivil behavior of the boorish Left. Mallard Fillmore will still be talking about Red Hen/Whataburger in 2020.
The subject of today’s outrage is… a song from 1875 having entered the public domain. I wonder what he thinks about reparations for slavery.
Boy, it sucks when people refuse to acknowledge your identity, doesn’t it
Mallard Fillmore has been pretty consistent over the years: liberals are naive for thinking you can just will a certain group into being nice instead of taking action, liberals fail to see the real threat and will chide you for casting moral judgement, this feckless non-action of today’s liberalism would be absurd if applied to World War II, and Democrats are trivializing the Holocaust by calling everybody Nazis. Anyway, time to drink a big cup of coffee and read today’s strip…
Bruce Tinsley is horrified, not because Nazis are marching around in 2017 America, but because someone might fantasize about punching one. If you ever pretended to be Captain America or Indiana Jones when you were a kid, guess what, you’re a Nazi too! Somehow he’s become everything he used to mock.
Also, using your public platform to call your friends Nazis is such an alpha move. Who knows what new lows the strip will sink to once he’s completely alienated everyone around him?
Bruce Tinsley appeared to give up on trying to keep up with the news cycle and did a “heartwarming” 2-week story arc about Mallard getting a dog instead…
… but not without getting in a dig at how easy it is to vote. I wonder if “illegally” was in the first draft.
Bureaucracy and red tape are great when it comes to keeping certain people from voting! Is there any doubt Tinsley would be in favor of straight-up poll taxes if it were still politically palatable?
Also, he is inexplicably paranoid that the upcoming Incredibles sequel is just more Fake News from the lieberal media and their Hollyweird pals. It was announced three years ago at a Disney shareholder meeting and heavily reported at the time, but apparently he just now found out about it. Folks, I know this might be a bit controversial, but if you haven’t taken the time to learn anything about The Incredibles because you spend all day on the Daily Wire reading Ben Shapiro articles, then I don’t think you should be allowed to see the sequel.
Mallard Fillmore is drawn at least two weeks in advance. Perfect timing for what I assume will be a series of implicitly pro-Milo, “so much for the tolerant left!” strips.