From Here To Insanity
(1998-2005) For six-and-a-half years, From Here To Insanity was a humor magazine consisting of comics, articles, fun, games, and, uh, other stuff. Our flagship publication, it was the birthplace of such beloved characters as stoic chums Hog & Dog, blood-sucking blogger Vampire Joe McCarthy, brain-eating president Zombie Reagan, stick-figure superhero Stickman, Anthropomorphic Republican Talking Duck, and the nonsensical comic Happy Taco.
From Here To Insanity website
Ron Paul Independence Report
(1997-????) For about twenty years, Doctor/Congressman/presidential hopeful Ron Paul (R-TX) put out a series of newsletters under his name that were filled with racist, homophobic, and downright paranoid comments. In 2001, he distanced himself from the content of the newsletters, claiming they were ghostwritten. We are pleased to announce that we have managed to track down the ultra-rare inaugrual issue of the Ron Paul Independence Report, which provides a fascinating glimpse into the mind of a man destined become a revolutionary figure in American politics.