A Homer Simpson dog toy

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rubbercat.net/simpsons is proud to be the premiere web-site about The Simpson's</i> on theWorld Wide Web. Whether you are newcomer to the show or a old disgruntled verteran we hope you are satisfied with your visit and will come back again soon in the future.

in the news

upcoming episode

Lisa Simpson swipes cards away in a game of karuta as various characters look on.
Lisa joins a karuta club at school and quickly masters the Japanese card game. Can she take the title of Regional Queen from Comic Book Guy's wife Kumiko? Anna Sawai guest stars.

quote of the day

Back in Delaware, Corn Pop, Joe Biden and I used to carouse the avenues… the Dover Boys, they used to call us. And so every Wednesday night we'd go down to the pool hall and try to hustle people. Of course, in those days, Saturdays were called Wednesdays and Wednesdays were called Skaðidays. We were trying to raise money for a new barn and Joe had this special move he called "The Malarkey Shot" where he'd distract everyone with a rambling story while Corn Pop moved the cue ball. Oh, it would never work, and we'd get kicked out every time but ol' Joe was stubborn like a fox and kept doing it and that's how we beat Medicare.

Grampa Simpson, Biden Seek

did you know...?

Marge was not given a name until Season 3.